February 2019 Newsletter 3

Grand Opening – 4Byrds Hardware – Jamie Johnson and the Byrd Family invite you to join them at the Grand Opening of their spectacular new  store in downtown Brantley.  The Festivities will be Friday, February 15th, beginning at 10 a.m. with the ribbon cutting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.  This will be an all day event with free food including hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks from Pepsi wagon.  They are giving away over 200 T-Shirts to celebrate their new venture.  Register for a Traeger pellet grill, winner to be announced on Saturday, Feb. 16th.  This is an important new business for Brantley and for Crenshaw County.  Be sure to come and enjoy and tour the new building. 

Other events to calendar:
Citizen of the Year Banquet – Thursday, February 21 – remember to call in your reservations to the Chamber office at 335-4468 – 
Tuesday, March 12 – Luverne Public Library Dinner Theater
Saturday, April 6th – Spring Fling 19 – sponsored by Sherry Prevett, 13 on Fifth….9 a.m. til 1 p.m. at the corner of 5th and S. Forest…..vendors, live music, food and so much more!
Thursday,  April 25 – Bobby Tomberlin & Friends Show…7-9 p.m.  Contact Lisa Rolling for ticket information at 334-300-7795.

Remember to SHOP LOCAL…. and support all businesses in Crenshaw County. #shoplocal #shopCrenshawCounty